Tell Powerful Stories

Elevate Narratives About Race, Power, and Electoral Systems

MED helps tell the powerful stories about the struggle for racial justice and how proportional representation can create a more equitable democracy for our communities. We work with filmmakers, community organizations, historians and artists to help elevate the discussions about the intersection of race, power and electoral systems.

MED’s Role in Telling Powerful Stories

A recent example of how we help tell these kinds of stories is through our recent production of Eastpointe. More Equitable Democracy hired experienced non-fiction filmmakers to document the first use of proportional representation as a remedy to a Voting Rights Act lawsuit in U.S. history, and tell the lived experiences of Black people in Eastpointe, Michigan.

MED staff also worked as the Executive Producers on the documentary.

Watch the Eastpointe trailer

Click to watch the video at Vimeo.

15 Research Dr Suite B, Amherst, MA 01002