
These are introductory resources for understanding why winner-take-all elections are detrimental to representation in America, how proportional representation can fix that problem, the historical evidence for proportional representation success in the United States, and the mechanisms for how proportional representation and single-transferrable vote (STV) works.

These resources explain why winner-take-all elections leave so many people without representation and why, despite all the success we’ve had with getting the right to vote, America still seems broken.

One way to dismantle structural racism in America: Disband the two-party system

George Cheung argues that America’s two-party system prevents communities of color from addressing structural racism. George and Matthew discuss race, power and electoral reform on NBC’s Think: Opinion, Analysis and Essays.

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How to break the two-party hold on American Politics

Vox describes why winner-take-all elections leave a large number of Americans without representation in the United States and suggests how proportional representation could solve this issue.

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Cincinnati’s 1988 Proportional representation Initiative

This is an academic report on Cincinnati’s PR experience. The author claims that the sponsors of the initiative believed the proportional representation system would have increased representation for the Black community and women in Cincinnati. The initiative was placed on the ballot and received support from 45.4% of people who voted on the issue.

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What New York's democracy experiment of the 1930's says about today

Article looks at the history of proportional representation in New York city and compares the 1930’s use of proportional representation to the recent ranked choice voting reform in 2019.

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